Ladies Massage Treatment

It's also frequently recommended for the treatment of minor sports injuries and repetitive stress injuries and for the enhancement of physical conditioning. Some people find that it even relieves such digestive disorders as constipation. There are many reasons to get a massage and here are just a few of them


Massage Therapy Step By Step

What Is Massage Therapy?

Massage is one of the oldest, simplest forms of therapy and is a system of stroking, pressing and kneading different areas of the body to relieve pain, relax, stimulate, and tone the body.Massage does much more than create a pleasant sensation on the skin, it also works on the soft tissues(the muscles, tendons, and ligaments) to improve muscle tone.Although it largely affects those muscles just under the skin, its benefits may also reach the deeper layers of muscle and possibly even the organs themselves.Massage also stimulates blood circulation and assists the lymphatic system (which runs parallel to the circulatory system), improving the elimination of waste throughout the body.

Some Benefits Of Massage:
5.Eases tension, stiffness, and pain.
6.Improves breathing.
7.Improves circulation.
8.Enhances well-being.

The Effects Of Massage:
Although a single massage will be enjoyable, the effects of massage are cumulative and a course of massage treatments will bring the most benefits.Regular massage can have the effect of strengthening and toning the entire body mechanism, and so help to prevent unnecessary strains and injuries that might otherwise occur due to excess tension and any resulting structural weaknesses.Massage can stimulate or calm the nervous system-depending upon what is required by the individual-and thus help reduce fatigue, leaving the reciever with a feeling of replenished energy.At its best, massage has the potential to restore the individual physically, mentally and spiritually


Face And Head Massage

Face And Head Massage:

The Face Massage and Head Massage is a particularly pleasurable experience- most people will be surprised at the amount of tension they hold here, particularly around the jaw.There is not usually time for a full face and head massage as part of a full-body massage.You might like to try it on its own or in combination with a back and shoulder massage.

Massage Steps:

1.Cup hands around the head, with thumbs resting on the forehead and fingertips at the temples.Smooth out the forehead in strips-starting along the eyebrows, working up toward the hairline.
2.Press between the eyebrows with your thumbs.Repeat, moving up the center of the forehead to the hairline.
3.Massage temples, using circular motion with fingers.Continue circles down along the jawbone to the chin.
4.Using your fingertips, draw a line under the cheekbone and out to the temples.Repeat, taking the line lower down the cheek each time.
5.Use the fingertips to draw a big moustache shape from the upper lip out to the temples, and circle the temples one more time.
6.Press softly around the upper bone of the eye sockets, starting from the bridge of the nose, out to the corner of the eye.Repeat, this time working carefully around the eye socket under the eyes.
7.Gently massage the ears between your thumbs and fingers, starting at the earlobe and moving around and up to the top of the ear.
8.Pull ears very gently, again starting with the lobe and moving gradually to the top of the ear.
9.Cup hands and rest them over the eyes(it's best to warn your partner before you do this).Ask your partner to breathe in and out deeply several times.Release the hands.

Massage Don'ts:

The throat is another vulnerable area of the body.Although the sides and back of the neck can be massaged, avoid working directly across the throat itself.
The face is naturally more oily than the other parts of the body.Unless the reciever has particularly dry skin, you will not need to add extra oil at this stage.

Massage Steps:

1.Cup forehead in hands once more and press in the middle of the forehead at hairline.Continue pressing upward to the crown of the head.
2.Supporting the head in the hands and with fingers at the base of the skull, massage the entire scalp.
3.Draw fingers lightly through the hair several times, and off at the crown.

Massage Tips:

If your partners hair is very thick, avoid the possibility of getting your fingers caught in tangles by drawing your fingers over the top of the hair instead.


Body Massage

For thousands of years and throughout history, the laying on of hands or massage has been practiced to bring comfort, relaxation and relief. There are different forms of massage in almost every culture massage can be dated back to 1800 BC in India and BC in China.

A Swedish Body Massage or Full Body Massage is the movement and manipulation of the muscles and soft body tissues. The hands, thumbs fingers and sometimes even the elbows are used by the therapist to apply pressure to the muscles of the body to help general aches and pains and help you relax and allow muscles to unwind

It is a very relaxing treatment done correctly, you will be asked throughout your therapy if the pressure used is comfortable, as massage should not be a demonstration or endurance of pain thresholds so if anything feels uncomfortable please say.
The process begins in an in depth individual personal consultation to establish why treatment is being sought, this usually takes around 15 minutes and the massage itself takes 1 hour to complete.


The Benefits Of Massage.

It relaxes the mind as well as the body.

It can have an uplifting effect or a relaxing effect dependent on the client’s needs and preferences.

It increases Blood and Lymphatic circulation of the body, making the body work more efficiently.

It can help relieve tight muscles

It can help relieve stiff muscles and also improve mobility of joints of the body.

Regular treatments can encourage improved sleeping patterns.

It can aid the digestive process, again helping the body function more effectively

It can also improve the appearance and function of the skin.

It makes you feel good and improves feelings of well-being.